Saturday, July 21, 2007

Stages of knowledge

The four stages of knowledge

stage 1 : The stage where you don't know and you know that you don't know.
stage 2 : The stage where you don't know (the whole thing) and you think that you know.
stage 3 : The stage where you know and you think that you don't know.
stage 4: The stage where you know and you know that you know(This stage is purely hypothetical).

The path of the righteous man
is beset on all sides...
by the inequities
of the selfish...
and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who,
in the name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak
through the valley of darkness,
for he is truly his brother's keeper
and the finder of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with
great vengeance and furious anger...
those who attempt to poison
and destroy My brothers.
And you will know
I am the Lord...
when I lay My vengeance
upon you.


maybe it means...
you're the evil man,
and I'm the righteous man,
and Mr. 9-millimeter here,
he's the shepherd...
protecting my righteous ass
in the valley of darkness.

Or it could mean...

you're the righteous man,
and I'm the shepherd,
and it's the world
that's evil and selfish.

Now, I'd like that.

But that shit ain't the truth.

The truth is,

you're the weak...
and I'm the tyranny of evil men.

But I'm tryin', Ringo.
I'm tryin' real hard...

to be the shepherd.

- From Pulp Fiction, Jules Winnfield to Ringo

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